Dear Friends,

I am organising a funding raising event for the charity MBL on the 17th of May. The charity is dedicated to supporting the adopted Chinese children in this country and helping the disadvantaged (disabled or poverished) children back in the rural areas in China (for more details please go to MBL’s website ). The event will include activities such as:

Chinese Tea Tasting
Speech by Li Lipei from Chinese Consulate
Arts Performance
Chinese Dim Sum and drinks
Speech by Frances Christensen General Manager from Confucius Institute, Edinburgh University

I’m very proud that we’ve got the confirmation from one of the most distinguished Gu Zheng artists in China to play at our event as well! Gu Zheng is a very elegant, extraordinary traditional Chinese instrument. You can find its information on Wikipedia, and if you’d like to know a little bit more about the instrument, there’s a very good example on Youtube:

The event is aimed to help people know more about Chinese culture and Chinese people. The funds for the charity will be raised through the form of an admission fee from every guest, which can be contributed online through

The procedure is as follows:

1. Any child under 15 can come to the event for free.
2. We’d like to invite adult guests to make a donation of £15/person (you’re of course very welcome to donate more than that!) on the website . As the Inland Revenue would match up with 28% of any donations, please remember to tick the ‘tax payer’ box when you’re making the payment. Also, please note that the website charges the charity for a transaction fee at a higher rate if you pay with a debit card than if with a credit card.

I know some of you may have had other plans for that day already. If that’s the case, I’d appreciate it if you could forward this email to any of your friends who might be interested in knowing more about China and making more Chinese friends. Also, we’d be very grateful if you would support MBL by making donations at: or

I’m looking forward to seeing all of you at the party!

Many sincere thanks for supporting me and MBL’s charitable work for Chinese children!

Best wishes,
Linda Hu

We will be collecting Red Chinese New Year envelopes on behalf of Chinese children everywhere. Please use these envelopes to send your contributions to MBL and/or wishes you have for the children of the world in the coming year.

These contributions can be made by post or through our website. For donations over £10, please include your contact details so that we may send you a copy of our new book, Motherbridge of Love!

The easiest way is to visit our donation page (hosted on an external site), and if you’d like us to send you a copy of Motherbridge of love, please leave your details and address in the message box when giving your donation.

We would also love to hear your suggestions for the coming year. If you have any thoughts for us or any ideas you would like to see come to life, please feel free to share them with us through the website or through our new MBL page on Facebook. We are always looking for new ways to reach out to the global community. Thank you for your interest in MBL and our work!

We wish you a very happy and prosperous New Year!

We have just published MBL Newsletter (spring 2008). Please download a copy in PDF formate here.

MBL Newsletter (spring 2008)

The Mothers’ Bridge of Love is a UK-based charity founded in 2004 by Xinran, author of Good Women of China, Sky Burial and What Chinese Don’t Eat. We aim to build the bridge between China and the west, between birth and adoptive culture and between the poor and the rich. Our mission is ‘culture for children’. Our head office is based in London. 

As our charity is growing fast, we are constantly looking for volunteers for various projects and office duties in London. The jobs advertised here are voluntary, with reimbursement to cover reasonable meals and travel expenses. Trainings will be provided to volunteers. 

As a volunteer, what benefit can you get if working with MBL? 

    * A good opportunity to make your contribution to the rapidly developing and sharply ramified society in modern China, to help Chinese children with poor living, health and education conditions as well as overseas adopted children who have no adequate exposure to their root culture.
    * A great learning opportunity to gain insights and knowledge in terms of organisational development for a cross cultural charity internationally
    * To get first-hand and latest knowledge and understanding towards the fast-growing China as it is today.
    * Excellent platform to access relevant networks at different levels both in China and the world (professionals, governors, and business people etc.)
    * A great work placement experience if you are school leaver or a new comer for the job market
    * Free access to our Chinese cultural library
    * To shadow management experience on project/event/arts related activities

Crrently we are looking for volunteers for the following positions:


Motherbridge of Love

Mothers’ Bridge of Love (MBL) is a children’s charity in the UK. Registration No. 1105543.

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