The iconic London Taxi also known as Black Cab will be made in China for the China and US markets. British Manufacturer Manganese Bronze signed a joined venture deal worth £53 millions with China’s Geely Group to produce 20,000 London Taxis (each will cost about 250,000 yuan/$32,000) a year from 2008 in China. A golden version of London Taxi is to be shown at the Shanghai Auto Show (words on the number plate: Classic Taxi 经典出租车).

Forbes reports :

Chinese automaker Geely Group unveiled a flashy gold version of London’s black taxi cabs at the Shanghai Auto Show over the weekend, and it hopes that the iconic symbol of the British capital will strike gold when it hits the road in China and the United States.

Geely inked a joint venture agreement with Britain’s Manganese Bronze in October to produce about 20,000 London cabs a year from 2008 onward.

The alliance allows Manganese Bronze, which makes about 3,000 vehicles a year in the U.K., to expand sales overseas from a cheaper production base, and it has helped Geely Group upgrade its technology and product quality.

Read full report from Forbes