Starting for this September, Moorhead Sports College in Accrington, Lancashire is about to offer Mandarin lessons for the first time in East Lancashire.

In September, independent Westholme School in Blackburn became the first in East Lancashire - and one of only a handful nationwide - to make the language a compulsory subject for its 11 to 14-year-old pupils, in recognition that it looks likely to become one of the most useful languages.

Deborah Lewis reports in This is Lancashire:

Mandarin is school’s new China service
By Deborah Lewis

A SECONDARY school is planning to offer evening classes in Mandarin for the first time in East Lancashire.

Moorhead Sports College in Accrington is hoping to begin a 10-week introductory course to China’s official language from September.

Claire Simon, assistant head at the Queens Road West school where she is responsible for working with East Lancashire Adult Learning, said: “One of our modern languages teachers knows a Chinese woman who lives in Accrington, and she got in touch to suggest the classes.

“I thought it was a good idea, as more and more people will benefit from learning the language as the country opens up to the West, for instance for local business people.”

With the rapid rise of the Chinese economy, the Asian country is set to become a major world player in coming years, and demand for learning Mandarin is on the rise, although most courses are still offered by private companies.

In September, independent Westholme School in Blackburn became the first in East Lancashire - and one of only a handful nationwide - to make the language a compulsory subject for its 11 to 14-year-old pupils, in recognition that it looks likely to become one of the most useful languages.

The full report.