Generation Y, a group of mainly Chinese young people, aged between 11 and 16 from the greater Belfast area are among the 1,800 children and young people who will benefit from the Lottery funding. The Big Deal programme awards a total £82,000 to 40 youth projects across Northern Ireland.

The Generation Y group have organisd a residential weekend to include outdoor actitivities and address issues such as sexual health and drug awareness.

Matthew MaCreary wrote on the Belfast Telegraph:

A group of Chinese young people and a graffiti art workshop are just two of the Northern Ireland-based projects to benefit from the latest round of Lottery funding.

A total of £82,000 in small grants will be paid out to 40 youth projects and groups across the province under The Big Deal programme.

The programme allows children and young people up to 25 years of age to apply for an award of between £500 and £2,500 to run a project where they plan and decide what they want to do and how.

Read the full story.