UK Home Office announced that from the first quarter of 2008, when the points based system will be introduced, applicants will be required to demonstrate their English level. Individuals will be asked to provide evidence that they have passed an English language test.

From Home Office’s Border and Immigration Agency:

From 2008, a points based system will begin to operate in the United Kingdom. This will manage the flow of individuals wishing to come to or remain in the United Kingdom to work, train or study.

The points based system will be introduced on a phased basis. Tier 1, which aims to attract highly skilled migrants to the United Kingdom, will be the first phase to be introduced from the first quarter of 2008.

One of the requirements of the points based system will be that, in most cases, migrants coming here to undertake skilled or highly skilled work must provide evidence to demonstrate that they have an acceptable standard of English. One way in which applicants can demonstrate this will be by providing evidence that they have passed an English language test.

Only tests that have been assessed as meeting the Border and Immigration Agency’s requirements will be accepted as evidence that the applicant meets this requirement. We will publish a list of these tests, so migrants will know whether the test they propose to take will be acceptable to us.

Therefore, we are inviting organisations that award English language test to apply for their tests to be assessed according to the required standards.

The document Points based system - procedure for inclusion on the list of approved English language tests sets out the criteria and process we will use to assess English language tests.

The first release of guidance for Tier 1 of the points based system will be published during the first quarter of 2008. Organisations wishing for details of their English language tests to be published in this release of guidance should provide details of the test by 30th November 2007.