4.19 Manchester protest

(Manchester April 19, 2008) More than 2000 Chinese students and professionals gathered outside BBC’s office in Manchester, protesting against biased reports during recent events in Olympic Torch Relay and Lhasa riot.

The protest started at 11am with silent demonstrations. The organizers read to the public an open letter to BBC Director-General Mark Thompson, which condemns BBC to report in ‘double-standard’ and ‘failed to provide credible and independent coverage of the events’.

Protest spokesman Tian Yang said “The way they frame the story is biased. There is only one side of the story and that’s from the Tibetan separatists. We fear that the media silencing the voice of Chinese people would constitute to increased racial prejudice and hostility.”

The crowd later paraded peacefully towards Albert Square outside of Manchester City Council, where they promoted Beijing Olympics 2008 to bypassers.

“We will try our best to eliminate any racial prejudice and welcome everybody to celebrate the Beijing Olympics with us.”

BBC later responded in a statement: “Despite restrictions placed on journalists, our coverage of Tibet has been extensive, fair and balanced. “The same is true of our reporting of the Olympic torch relay and the protests that have accompanied it.”

Protest spokesman Tian Yang later called the day a great success, ‘we were relieved to see many local people who showed their support and understanding towards our protest, some of them have even joined us.’

4.19 Manchester protest

4.19 Manchester protest

4.19 Manchester protest

4.19 Manchester protest

4.19 Manchester protest

4.19 Manchester protest