The Border and Immigration Agency of the Homeoffice published proposals of the new T2 (skilled workers) and T5 (temporary workers and young mobility scheme) visa in the points-based system. Lists of current visa types to be replaced by the T2 and T5 visa are included in the documents. T2 (skilled workers) visa will replace current work permit and other totally 10 visas. T5 (temporary workers) will replace 16 current visas. The newsly created T5 (young mobility scheme) visa will allow young people to come and experience life in the UK for up to two years.

The BIA statement says:

British-based companies will have to prove they cannot fill skilled posts with a resident worker and must show that the job vacancy has been advertised in the UK, unless the job is on the shortage occupation list. Would-be migrants will need a job offer before they even apply for a visa.

To qualify, skilled foreign nationals will have to earn a certain number of points before being allowed to work in Britain. These points are awarded only if a person can prove they will be doing skilled work, speak a good standard of English, and are earning more than £24,000, or have a decent qualification. Employers will need a licence from the UK Border Agency to offer jobs to skilled workers.

Read the proposal in full.