Letter from Edinburgh University Confucianism Study Society outlining the purpose of the organisation as well as calling for volunteers:

Dear All,

I am pleased to let you know that Edinburgh University Confucianism Study Society (CSS) has been officially approved. So far, it has members committed from both the student body and the broader community.

The main purpose of the CSS is to promote cultural understanding between China and the UK, and to facilitate a better understanding of China within the modern global context, but also to contribute in some small way in what that China will be. The key concepts are ‘interaction’, ‘cooperation’ and ‘participation’, and through an active approach which incorporates these concepts, we see the creation of something unique (ie: a Chinese/UK fusion that is fresh and exciting). Ultimately, we expect opportunities to arise to create greater links between China and the UK, including, importantly, beneficial academic and business links.

For the coming academic year, the CSS will meet weekly on Tuesdays at Pleasance. Together with regular Mandarin lessons, various events have been planned. Additionally, the CSS will hold a grand East Meets West music event on around the Chinese New Year 2009 called ‘Connecting’, which will fuse a Scottish orchestra with Mr Peng YuQiang, Asian Newsmaker 2008 & a famous Chinese traditional Erhu player, playing specially commissioned music at the Queen’s Hall.

Obviously, high performers will be required to ensure that all the plans are realised and are of the highest possible standard. I am therefore calling for following volunteers. Please reply to eucss@sms.ed.ac.uk to state the position you would volunteer for together with a short self introduction.

* Archivist
* Art designer(s)
* Fundraisers
* Interpreters (Chinese=English)
* Librarian
* Photographers
* Session leaders in Mandarin, calligraphy, music, dance, martial arts and etc.
* Venue managers
* Webmaster

Thank you for your time and I do hope to hear from many of you in the near future!

Warmest regards,

Tang Tang