From Edinburgh University Confucianism Study Society:

On 30 July 2008, the Edinburgh University Confucianism Study Society (CSS) Executive, together with Ms. Yan Zhuang, had a very amicable and successful meeting with senior representatives of Shenzhen University - Prof. Bigong Zhang (President), Prof. Litian Gao (Director of International Office), Dr. Zhenxiang Cai (Director of Department of IT & Equipments), Associate Prof. Zhengwu Yao (Vice Dean of Normal College), Mr. Long Du (Director of General Service). After meeting the visitors at the airport, and guiding them to their accommodations, the group toured around Holyrood Park, taking in the beautiful sights and the snapping photos of the baby swans. They then met Mr. Qianghui Guo and shared a traditional Chinese dinner. The meeting resulted in the formation of what all parties hope will be a strong and lasting relationship. Preliminary plans have been laid for a number of specific projects, including the co-organisation of an orchestral concert in Shenzhen leading up to Universiade 2011.

For more on the CSS’s activities, see

Guan H. Tang, President

Shawn H.E. Harmon, Secretary

Thomas Seltz, Treasurer