It is my great pleasure to invite you to London in September 12-13, 2009 to participate in the 15th annual Meeting of Chinese Life Scientists Society in the UK (CLSS-UK). After the extremely successful CLSS-UK 2008 annual meeting in Oxford, CLSS-UK committee has decided to hold the 2009 annual meeting with outstanding scientific quality in University College London (UCL). The meeting will take place in the Life Science Building in UCL main campus. The aim of the conference is to provide a platform for Chinese life scientists in UK to exchange ideas, share experience and establish collaborations with each other and also with life scientists in China.

The Organising Committee is already working in order to ensure a wide choice of lectures covering the various aspects under the theme of Life Science and Medicine. In 2009, we are planning to invite some high profile professors and senior scientists from UK and China to give lectures in this meeting. We particularly encourage young investigators and PhD students to join the meeting by offering a number of travel grants and prizes for the best oral and poster presentations. In addition, National Natural Science Foundation of China, China Academy of Science and some High-technique Districts from China will be invited to join our meeting which provides bridges to China for our members who would develop their careers in our motherland. The full scientific program can be found in this link.

Based in the heart of London, UCL was the first university in England to welcome students of any class, race or religion, and the first to welcome women on equal terms with men. This same radical spirit thrives today. Now, UCL is ranked seventh in the world with 8,000 staff and 22,000 students. Over 140 nationalities are represented among UCL students with overseas students making up nearly a third of the student body. We are looking forward to welcoming you to UCL in September 12-13, 2009.

We invite you to submit abstracts and attend the meeting to make CLSS-UK 2009 annual meeting a great success.

Yours sincerely

Xiong Zhong Ruan MD, PhD
On behalf of the 15th CLSS-UK Conference Organising Committee