The UK Border Agency has made the Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules HC 120, regarding the 10 years settlement rule, student visas (Tier 4) and temporary workers visas (Tier 5).

10 December 2009

The latest Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules was laid before Parliament today.

The changes include the following:

* The Immigration Rules are being amended to provide that applications for leave to remain or settlement on the basis of long residence will no longer be considered at a UK Border Agency Public Enquiry Office;
* The Rules will also make provision, within the child visitor rules, to permit exchange visits by overseas students to state maintained and other schools;
* The Immigration Rules are being amended to make provision for the final phase of the roll-out of Tier 4, the student tier of the points-based system. The changes to the Rules will mean that from 22 February 2010, Tier 4 migrants will require an electronic confirmation of acceptance for studies in order to be able to score points for attributes in their applications to come to the UK; and
* The Rules will now provide for workers admitted under the previous rules for overseas government employees, to switch in-country into the Tier 5 category for temporary workers.

This Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules will be incorporated into a consolidated version of the Immigration Rules. You can find copies of all the Statements of Changes in Immigration Rules issued since May 2003.

The changes will come into effect on 1 January 2010, with the exception of the Tier 4 changes, which will come into force on 22 February 2010.