2009-12-16 Claustrophobia, Visible Secrets film tour

From Hong Kong Economic & Trade Office, London:

We are pleased to announce more dates in the Visible Secrets film festival UK tour, celebrating Hong Kong’s women film makers. This follows a highly successful run in Manchester’s Cornerhouse in October and November showing 14 feature films, four documentaries and three programmes of short and experimental films. We also had many special events, including special screenings featuring film directors Angie Chen, (This Darling Life), Ivy Ho (Claustrophobia) and Tsang Tsui Shan (Lovers on the Road). Films were also shown in London and Nottingham in November and December.

During January and February films from the festival will be shown in Chichester, Inverness, Northampton, Derby, Edinburgh, Dundee, Bristol, Sheffield, and London. For further information on cinemas, film times etc, visit the Cornerhouse website http://www.cornerhouse.org/visiblesecrets.

I do hope you will be able to see some of these great films by some of Hong Kong’s most talented women directors.