2010-03-17 resurface jumping frames

Hong Kong Dance Collection
By Jumping Frames

British Premiere

19:00 Wednesday 17 March

CCA, Centre for Contemporary Arts
350 Sauchiehall Street
G2 3JD

Box Office: 0141 352 4900
Tickets: £5 (£3)

To launch the beginning of our Scotland-China DanceLinks programme, which will continue over the next two years, we are delighted to premiere a programme of work from Jumping Frames, the only dance video festival in Asia. The selection will include both commissioned works and works from competition, focusing on award winning Hong Kong dance videos, featuring the hottest dance artists, as well as hilarious commentary on Hong Kong style tea canteen, fashion chic and other “hongkee” indulgence. This collection of eight works highlights the best of original talent in digital technology, video art and choreography currently working in Hong Kong.

Dance House
20 St Andrews Street
T: 0141 552 2442
M: 07747 742 547
E: info@dancehouse.org
W: www.dancehouse.org