Yu-Hao Chen, 30, is one of four financial services graduates from universities in Glasgow, to be recognised by a new awards programme established by Glasgow’s International Financial Services District.  Yu-Hao has been awarded £1,000 by the partners behind Glasgow’s IFSD after being nominated by his university as an ‘outstanding achiever’.

The new awards programme was established by the IFSD Partnership to recognise the  wealth of financial services talent graduating from Glasgow’s four universities.

Yu-Hao took a year out from his job at Deloitte & Touche in Taiwan to achieve a grade A Masters in International Accounting and International Financial Accounting at the University of Glasgow.

The three other award winners were graduates from the University of Strathclyde, the University of the West of Scotland and Glasgow Caledonian University.

Jim Watson, director of financial services, Scottish Enterprise who presented the awards to the students on behalf of Glasgow’s IFSD said, “These awards recognise the great work being done by the universities in Glasgow and the relationships they have with the financial services sector to ensure a steady pipeline of well qualified graduates to work in the industry. And, the awards also recognise the breadth and depth of talent graduating from these universities which is, we believe, very reassuring for existing financial services companies in the city and prospective inward investors.”