From Chinese for Labour:

The Chinese & Politics in the United Kingdom conference, organised by Chinese for Labour,  will be held at the Labour Media Centre, 39 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0HA on Saturday, 13 November 2010 from 9.30 am to 4.00 pm.

The conference is for anyone who wants learn about political values
and policies, observe politics in action and the processes of getting
selected and adopted. The event is open to all,  email giving your and guests’ names. This is a
free event, but any voluntary contributions are most welcome.

The conference will be in two parts, the morning panel session covering
politics, such as immigration, housing, economy with a key note speech
before lunch. After lunch, sessions will cover on how to become a school
governor, local councillor and Member of Parliament. The conference will end on identifying a local ward/parliamentary seat, selection processes, and political adoption. Please feel free to circulate this email to your friends, colleagues or family members who are interested in politics or public service.