The four relay teams running the Edinburgh Marathon Relay 2007 for the charity Mother’s Bridge of Love (MBL) have successfully finished the Marathon Relay, within 3hrs 30min. to 4hrs. Here are some photos taken by the volunteers supporting the four teams.

Photographers of Edinburgh Marathon Relay 2007 (1st and 2nd series) were taken by Chen Xu, Chen Lei, Shi Lei, Yang Yang, Ma Yan, Dai Yihuan, Lu Pin

09 MBL-Edinburgh Marathon Relay 07

09 Relay team Golden Team captain Wang Mei

10 MBL-Edinburgh Marathon Relay 07

10 Relay team Flying Panda’s Fu Yu in action

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11 Relay team Red Army and MBL’s Wendy Wu

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12 Supporters from Glasgow, organised by Kucoo

13 MBL-Edinburgh Marathon Relay 07

13 Supporter team from Edinburgh

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14 Photographers from the Glasgow supporter team

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15 Liu Lei, member of relay team Red Army

16 MBL-Edinburgh Marathon Relay 07

16 Captain of relay team Red Army, Hong Jun

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16 Relay team Red Army member Li Hao Ying at the reception
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18 Captains of relay team Golden Team and Red Army, and MBL’s Wendy Wu celerated the success of the charity run