Edinburgh demonstration

Two thousand Chinese people marched on to the street of Edinburgh today to show their support of Beijing Olympics and protest against using violent disruption of Olympic torch relay for politics, as well as the media bias in reporting recent riots in Tibet.

The demonstrators, most are Chinese students from Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dundee, St Andrews, Aberdeen and Newcastle, marched through several streets in the city centre, then finished the rally at Princes Street Garden. Many brought with them Chinese flags and home-made banners and placards. Typical messages were “One World One Dream One China”, “Free Olympics From Politics”, “No Violence and Politics in Olympics”, and “Politics Are Not An Excuse To Disrupt Olympics”. One prepared a placard showing pictures taken when a protester tried to grab the Olympic torch from a wheelchair-bound torch bearer in Paris, with the message “Hands off Olympic Torch” on it. Some wore T-shirt with pro-Olympics slogans and pictures. One student prepared a placard titled “Tibet in My Eyes” showing the pictures she took in Tibet.

The demonstration, themed as “Proud of Olympics Proud of China”, was organised by Chinese students in Edinburgh. “We have been frustrated by the misreporting by BBC and some other western media about the riots in Tibet and the constant chanting of boycotting Beijing Olympics. Seeing the violent disruption of the Olympic torch relay in London, however, finally made us decide that we must make our voice to be heard.” Ma Yan, one of the organisers told LinkChinese UK.

Edinburgh demonstration

The huge number of demonstrators turned up surprised even the organisers. “We only expected a couple of hundred people to come when we submitted the application (of demonstration)”, president of ECSSA (Edinburgh Chinese Students and Scholars Association) Yu Bin, one of the organisers, said, “After posting the message to several web sites on Monday, we have received several hundred email replies. But two thousand exceeds far beyond our most optimistic estimation”.

“We have made it loud and clear today, not only our intent to claim the truth, but also our love towards China and the Olympics! Today’s march is for a day, but the spirit will never fade. We want people around the world to know the real China and to listen to our voice from the bottom of our heart. Thanks are due to all the participants today! I also want to thank Edinburgh City Council and the police for their full support! Our voice Proud of Olympics Proud of China will continue to spread in every corner of the world.” said Ma Yan.

Photos: TT, nonothing, St Andrews, xiatianuk

Edinburgh demonstration

Edinburgh demonstration

Edinburgh demonstration

Edinburgh demonstration

Edinburgh demonstration

Edinburgh demonstration

Edinburgh demonstration

Edinburgh demonstration

Edinburgh demonstration

Edinburgh demonstration

Edinburgh demonstration

Edinburgh demonstration

Edinburgh demonstration